Where only my thoughts have been

Where only my thoughts have been
Take me to the moon

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Release
Seeing the astonishment in her widened eyes, lashes slick with tears that threatened to fall any moment, although she was too strong to show anyone the turmoil under her mask of calm. I handed it to her, waiting for the reaction I expected to see. What I got was more than I bargained for. She smiled her gratitude but I saw something falter at the edges of her lips. I could see her trying hard not to fall under the burden that she would now be expected to carry. It wasn't the usual perky beam that crinkled her aged eyes; there was something there that I hadn't thought I’d see. She knew she could not hold her facade together for another minute. I would have left to save her the embarrassment but I did not, knowing she would hate me for it. She broke down, slumping against the wall behind her , seeming to take strength from it, sobbing as though she would never stop. But there was a glint of bliss in the sadness she had overcome. She would no longer have to wait another century, she could be released now. Even as she had seen her whole life falling around her feet, she had stood tall and proud through it all. Knowing this, I simply smiled!

Friday, January 7, 2011

The River

The river flowed with a current barely visible. Its fish popping up and causing gentle eddies on the surface of the water. The weeping willows trailing their branches along the banks and dipping curious fingers into  the water, dancing to the rhythm of the wind. She noticed it all. She sat there for a while, then swooped in, caught an unfortunate worm and flew away to her nest where her hungry babies waited. They chirped with delight when they saw the juicy worm struggling in their mother ferocious talons. As they tore at the flesh, their mother looked at them with such content-ness. Her eyes had softened and she almost seemed to smile, her beak half open, ready at a moment's call to serve her darlings. Glad at how her small act had brought them such satisfaction. It’s the same with all mothers, isn’t it?